Easy Read translation

Easy Read translation. Make your documents easier for learning disabled and autistic people to understand

Making documents accessible to learning disabled people

Learning disabled and autistic people deserve access to the same information as everybody else. Whether it's information about health, housing, finances or services, people who struggle with documents many of us take for granted can miss out on crucial information about their life. 

Many documents are intimidating and bewildering. If somebody is learning disabled, they can be even more so. When this means they miss out on reminders for vital health tests or fail to pay an important bill on time, the result of inaccessible documents can be devastating. 

It doesn't have to only be serious stuff that is translated into Easy Read, though. Learning disabled people should be able to access information about their favourite band, their favourite food, or their favourite film. 

I can help your statutory service, charity, company or organisation to help make sure that learning disabled and autistic people can understand the information you provide to them. I have experience and training in creating Easy Read documents, and I believe firmly that creating Easy Read versions of documents - whether they're leaflets, articles, blog posts, academic reports, or letters - is essential to make a product or service more accessible. 

The UK government says that "Public sector organisations have a duty to ensure that people with learning disabilities and their families can meaningfully access the information they need throughout their lives", but it's not only public sector organisations that can commission Easy Read translations. Anybody who wants to ensure that more people can access the information they provide can benefit from having Easy Read versions of their documents. 

Easy Read doesn't only help learning disabled and autistic people, though! Many people with English as a second language can understand Easy Read documents more easily than a wall of text, because of the way it is crafted, with a carefully chosen image to illustrate each simply worded point. 

Whether topics are simple or complex, Easy Read can make them more accessible to a wide range of people, who can all benefit from information in this format. 

To find out more about having your documents, letters, leaflets or information translated into Easy Read, please email philippa@scribbleandbloom.org.uk 

Example of an Easy Read document made by Scribble and Bloom